Helsenorge – privacy statement

This privacy statement describes how Helsenorge processes personal data of those who visit our public pages.

Helsenorge is a website that provides guidance for the public healthcare service and online self-service solutions. It also provides information on prevention, health, well-being, illness, treatments, and individual patient rights.

This privacy statement contains information on how we process your personal data. Information about the processing of your data when using the logged-in services on Helsenorge is available on a separate page.


Norsk helsenett is the data controller. This means that we are responsible for the processing of personal data on Helsenorge's public pages. We are also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the website.

Links to external websites

Helsenorge provides links to other organisations and companies. Please note that the privacy statement at Helsenorge does not apply to those other websites. When you visit those websites, the guidelines for the website in question apply.

What personal data do we process in connection with our public pages?

Website visits

When you visit Helsenorge, we process your IP address in order to be able to show you the webpage content. 

Contact form

If you have any questions about the services, self-service solutions, or the information provided on Helsenorge, you can contact us through our contact form. Your message will then be forwarded to Helsenorge (phone number: 23 32 70 00).

If you use the contact form, your name, email address, and the content of your message will be stored. The message will be deleted after the service centre has responded to your inquiry.

We kindly ask that you do not provide any sensitive information, such as health information or social security numbers, as the contact form is not secure (encrypted).

Website statistics

Helsenorge collects website statistics in order to improve and further develop the website, for example about how frequently various parts of the website are visited. We cannot trace your use of the website back to you as an individual. Examples of information collected include the number of browsers visiting Helsenorge, which websites users come from, how long users stay on the website, and the browser types used.

Helsenorge uses the analytics tool Adobe Analytics. The IP addresses of users are anonymised before the data is stored and used, so the information cannot be traced back to the user. Only anonymous information is stored.

Opt out of website statistics collection

If you do not wish for us to collect or analyse data about your visit in the form of website statistics, you can opt out.

By clicking the link below, you install a cookie in your browser which informs our web analytics tool not to collect data about your visits to Helsenorge.

If you delete the cookies indicating that you have opted out or switch to another computer or browser, you will need to opt out once more.


Helsenorge stores information about the keywords visitors use for the purpose of improving our information service. Among other things, we can find out which keywords generate certain search results and which search results visitors choose to click on. Only the keywords are stored, and they cannot be linked to other information about the visitor.


Helsenorge uses cookies to enhance your user experience and collect statistics.

Find out more about our use of cookies here.

Your rights

Everyone has the right to general information about Norsk helsenett's processing of personal data. If we have stored personal information about you, you have the right to access the information we have and to receive information about where the personal data has been obtained from, the purpose of using the information, and whether the information is shared with others.

Chatbot on Helsenorge

The chatbot hosted at Helsenorge is provided by the Norwegian Directorate of Health, which is the data controller for any processing of personal data that occurs in the chatbot.

Norsk helsenett does not process personal data in connection with the use of the chatbot, but facilitates the availability of the chatbot on Helsenorge. The communication is between you and the Directorate's service provider.

If you have further questions about the chatbot's processing of personal data, please contact the Norwegian Directorate of Health's Data Protection Officer by e-mail: personvernombud@helsedirektoratet.no.

Contact details

Guidance Helsenorge
Call 23 32 70 00
Monday – Friday 08:00–15:30

Data Protection Officer
You will find contact details for NHN's Data Protection Officer here.

The Norwegian Data Protection Authority
The Data Protection Authority is the supervisory body and is responsible for ensuring that laws and regulations applying to the processing of personal data are being followed.
Telephone number: 22 39 69 00
Email: postkasse@datatilsynet.no
Organisation number: 974761467

Content provided by Norsk helsenett

Norsk helsenett. Helsenorge – privacy statement. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Wednesday, May 31, 2023 [retrieved Thursday, October 24, 2024]. Available from: https://www.helsenorge.no/en/personvern-og-nettsikkerhet/helsenorge-privacy-statement/

Last updated Wednesday, May 31, 2023