Video consultations with hospitals via Helsenorge

An increasing number of hospitals are offering video consultations with their patients. Some of these video consultations can be carried out via Helsenorge.


Video consultations with hospitals via Helsenorge

Some hospitals offer video consultations even if this does not appear when you are logged in to Helsenorge. The doctor will then guide you about how to start the video consultation.

How to carry out a video consultation

How to start the video consultation at

If a video consultation has been scheduled via, you will see this in your Appointments ("Timeavtaler") when you are logged in. In order to take part in a video consultation, you will need the following:

  • PC or mobile equipment with a web camera and microphone
  • Headphones or speakers
  • Internet access

In advance

Prepare for the consultation well in advance and make sure the video and sound function well. If this is the first time you take part in a video consultation you need to calculate some extra time. Find a location where you will not be disturbed and where background noise can be avoided. If you experience problems, contact the clinic / health service provider.

  • Make sure that the equipment you are going to use has access to the internet and is connected to a secure network.
  • Click on the invitation you have received or open the video consultation as agreed.
  • If you do not want anyone to be able to listen to the conversation, ensure that confidential information cannot be overheard by others.
  • You might need to identify yourself and should be prepared for being asked to hold up your ID card with the image facing the camera. You can also ask the healthcare professional with whom you have the video consultation to identify themselves in the same way.

Do you need an interpreter? You have the right to receive information about your health, illness and treatment in a language that you understand. Read more about interpreting in the health services.


A video consultation should not trigger any additional costs. The cost should be the same as a regular doctor's appointment. Nor should there be any invoice fee, unless you ask to pay by invoice.

Content provided by Norsk Helsenett

Norsk Helsenett. Video consultations with hospitals via Helsenorge. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Tuesday, August 9, 2022 [retrieved Saturday, July 27, 2024]. Available from:

Last updated Tuesday, August 9, 2022