About services on Helsenorge
At Helsenorge, you will find a number of digital services you can use to follow up your health.
Many of the services are new or under development. These will often be tested in some areas before they are made available to everyone. Therefore, some of the services at Helsenorge may not be available to you for the time being.
You can use the Helsenorge services to keep better track of your health and the healthcare you receive. The services are currently only available in Norwegian.
Services on Helsenorge
- Appointments
- Changing doctor/GP
- Documents
- General practitioner
- Organ donor card
- Exemption card and user fees
- Power of attorney
- Reasearch
- Health contacts
- Health registries
- Referrals
- Summary care record
- Inbox
- Medicines
- Patient record
- Patient travel
- Privacy settings
- Test results
- Illness and critical information
- Vaccinations
- Tools
- European Health Insurance Card