User fees for laboratories and X-ray institutions

You can claim a proportion of your costs for essential investigations and examinations performed by. You will normally have to pay a user fee, which will count towards an exemption card for health services.

Nurse using X-ray machine

You can have your costs covered for various types of examination, and the user fees will count towards your exemption card for health services.

In order for you to be entitled to benefits from the National Insurance scheme, the private laboratory or X-ray institution must have an agreement with Helfo regarding direct settlement. You need to clarify thisbefore the examination and treatment starts. The laboratory or X-ray is obliged to inform you before the treatment starts if it does not have a direct settlement with Helfo, so you will know whether or not you have to pay the entire bill yourself. This obligation follows from section 6 of the Health Personnel Act.

Radiological examinations

In order to be entitled to reimbursement for X-rays, MRI, CT and ultrasound scans, you must have a referral from a doctor, dentist, chiropractor or manual therapist.

The private X-ray institution must have an agreement with a regional health authority (only in Norwegian). Ask your doctor or regional health authority about the X-ray institutions that you can use.

You can also use an institution which does not have an agreement, but you will then have to cover all your expenses yourself.

Laboratory samples and tests

The laboratory sample must be requested by a doctor, dentist or midwife. Many GPs and specialists have the equipment necessary to carry out laboratory tests themselves.

The doctor can also send the sample to a private laboratory. The private laboratory must have entered into an agreement with a regional health authority in order for you to be entitled to coverage for your expenses. Ask your doctor or regional health authority about the laboratories that you can use.

You can also use doctors and institutions which do not have an agreement, but you will then have to cover all your expenses yourself.

Contact the regional health authority to find out who they have agreements with.

Paying user fees

Only approved user fees count towards an exemption card for health services. The maximum user fee for 2024 is NOK 3165. 

This only concerns X-ray and laboratory institutions which have an agreement. Those without an agreement are free to determine how much patients have to pay. This will not be included in the basis for an exemption card.

You will receive a text message or e-mail when the decision concerning your exemption card has been made, depending on the options you selected at Helsenorge.

If you have overpaid, you will automatically be refunded the amount you are entitled to.

Exemptions for user fees

Some patient groups are exempt from paying the user fee. Among other things, this includes

Content provided by Helfo

Helfo. User fees for laboratories and X-ray institutions. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Monday, January 1, 2024 [retrieved Saturday, July 27, 2024]. Available from:

Last updated Monday, January 1, 2024