Medical assistance following female genital mutilation

Genital mutilation is illegal in Norway and can cause several adverse health effects. If you have undergone genital mutilation and are experiencing problems, you can receive medical assistance.

What is female genital mutilation?

Young girls and women from many African countries, the Middle East and certain parts of Asia are, as a tradition, subjected to female genital mutilation, cutting or circumcision.

Various forms of genital mutilation are practised. The most common is removing all or some of the clitoris and the inner labia. In some cases, the inner or outer labia are sewn together, leaving only a small hole for the passage of urine and menstrual blood. Genital mutilation can lead to many medical complications.

In Norway, all forms of genital mutilation are illegal.

Medical assistance

If you have undergone genital mutilation and are experiencing pain or other problems, there are medical services that you can contact to talk about it and get the medical assistance. You may for instance contact: 

  • your GP

  • the midwife at your local medical centre if you are pregnant

  • women's or children's hospital clinics 
  • a nurse at your local medical centre or the school nurse

Your nurse, midwife, or GP will be able to refer you to a specialist if needed. 

Medical assistance is free of charge at the local medical centre. In your GP office or hospital you will have to pay a user fee. Everything will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Medical problems

Genital mutilation may lead to several long-term problems and complications including

  • difficult or protracted urination (often, slow or painful)
  • recurrent genital or urinary infections, including kidney failure

  • abdominal pain/discomfort

  • sexual complications
  • menstrual problems

  •  complications during childbirth with increased risks for mother and child

  • psychological reactions

Surgery an​d other treatment following genital mutilation

For women who have undergone a form of genital mutilation where the labia are sewn together, a surgical operation to open up the vagina can reduce or eliminate many problems.

The procedure is called deinfibulation and involves making a cut to open the scar tissue over the vaginal entrance. It is a good idea to have this operation before you become sexually active. It can also be carried out during pregnancy or birth.

The brochure in different languages

Contact information

If you need ​treatment, you can contact your local hospital. ​Most major hospitals offer treatment:


Univer​sity Hospital of North Norway

Contact the women's cl​inic, tel. 77 62 64 50


Haukeland University Hospital

Contact the women's clinic 10am - 11.30am and 1.30pm - 2.30pm on tel. 55 97 42 36


St. Olavs Hospital

Contact the women's clinic on tel. 72 57 47 19


Stavanger University Hospital 

Contact the women's clinic on tel. 51 51 93 85


Oslo Un​iversity Hospital Ullevål

Contact the women's clinic 8.30am - 12 noon on tel. 22 11 98 44

Oslo and Akershus

Akershus Univ​ersity Hospital ​​

Contact the women's clinic on tel. 67 96 05 00

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Medical assistance following female genital mutilation. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Friday, March 1, 2024 [retrieved Thursday, October 24, 2024]. Available from:

Last updated Friday, March 1, 2024