Contact with home healthcare services through Helsenorge

As a user or relative, you can use Helsenorge for digital contact or communication with the municipal home healthcare services. Many municipalities offer this service, but not all.

Who has access to the service?

Just over half of Norway's population has access to digital communication with the home service through Helsenorge.

See whether your municipality offers digital communication with the home service through Helsenorge

Communicate with the home healthcare service

If you have access to communicate with the home service through Helsenorge, you can, for example, send and receive messages, view appointments and receive notifications about home visits, or give other people access to your Helsenorge services.

Send and receive messages from the health services in the municipality

You can safely communicate with your healthcare contacts, for example your GP, hospital or home care provider, when it suits you.

The messages are saved so that you have an overview of all messages you send or receive. When you receive a message at Helsenorge, you will also be notified by SMS or e-mail.

In the calendar, you can see your appointments and can cancel the ones you don't need.

View appointments for home visits and cancel appointments

At Helsenorge, you can view appointments you have with the healthcare services in your municipality, such as visits from a public health nurse. Log in to Helsenorge and go to Appointments (Timeavtaler) to view your appointments.

Receive notifications about previous home visits by text message or e-mail

You can choose to receive notifications concerning new messages at Helsenorge. You can receive notifications by text message or e-mail. Log in and click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen, and select Contact details and notification set-up (Kontaktinformasjon og varseloppsett).

Give other people access to your Helsenorge services

You can grant other people power of attorney to use the service on your behalf. You decide who you wish to grant power of attorney to, but they must be at least 18 years of age. You can withdraw the power of attorney at any time via Helsenorge.

How to give other people power of attorney on your behalf on Helsenorge

Notifications and access for next of kin

When a home visit has been made, you can receive notifications by e-mail or text message. If you are a next of kin of someone who receives home healthcare services, you can easily keep track of the support services they receive at home.

This is done as follows:

  1. Both the next of kin and the person receiving the home healthcare services must have logged in and consented to the terms of use.
    Log in to Helsenorge
  2. The next of kin must have power of attorney to represent the person receiving the services at Helsenorge. This power of attorney must cover at least Digital healthcare services (Digitale helsetjenester).
  3. The next of kin must enter their notification set-up at Helsenorge and state that they wish to receive notifications concerning completed visits. This is done as follows:
    1. Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen when you are logged in and select Contact details and notification set-up (Kontaktinformasjon og varseloppsett) in the Profile and settings (Profil og innstillinger) menu.
    2. Under What type of notifications do you wish to receive? (Hvilken type varslinger vil du ha?), select All notifications (Alle varsler).
    3. Check the box under Do you wish to receive the same notifications for other people you represent? (Vil du ha samme varsler for andre du representerer?)

Read more about notifications and access on Helsenorge

Help and user support

If you have any questions about using the digital service, call the Helsenorge helpline on 23 32 70 00.

If you have any questions about the home healthcare services you receive, please contact your municipality.

Logging in to Helsenorge

You can use BankID, BankID on mobile, Buypass ID on smart card, Buypass ID on mobile or Commfides e-ID to log in to Helsenorge services.

Help services in the municipalities

Information about which health and care services the municipalities can offer to their inhabitants.

Content provided by Norsk helsenett

Norsk helsenett. Contact with home healthcare services through Helsenorge. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Tuesday, February 28, 2023 [retrieved Thursday, January 23, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Tuesday, February 28, 2023