Appealing about patient travel

You have the right to appeal against the allowance you have received and your travel with Pasientreiser (“Patient travel”). You must submit your appeal within four weeks after you received the allowance or completed your patient travel.

Digital appeals

You can submit a digital appeal if you have received a digital decision concerning your application.

In order to appeal, you must log in and select the decision you wish to appeal against in the application overview. You must open your decision and read it before you can appeal against it.

Under your decision, select Klag på vedtaket (“Appeal the decision"). Text fields will then appear in which you can type in your appeal if you have already opened and read the decision. You can type your appeal directly in a free text field and upload documentation if you need to.

You can only appeal against one case in the appeal. If you wish to appeal more than one case, you must submit one appeal for each case.

If the deadline for appealing has expired in a case, you will not be able to appeal the case.

Appealing by post

If you wish to appeal against a decision by Pasientreiser, you can print out an appeal form. You must complete the appeal form and send it by post. The appellant or the appellant’s guardian or representative must sign the appeal.

Send your appeal to:

Pasientreiser HF,
Postboks 2533 Kjørbekk,
3702 Skien

Appealing against requisitioned travel

If you wish to appeal against requisitioned travel or a decision concerning a patient journey by adapted transport, you must submit a written and signed appeal to your local patient travel office.

See an overview of the patient travel offices here.

Consideration of appeals

If the patient travel office upholds its decision following an appeal, the appeal will automatically be forwarded to the County Governor in your county for a final decision. In Norwegian, the County Governor is known as Statsforvalteren (formerly Fylkesmannen).

Once your appeal has been considered with final effect, you will receive a reply from your patient travel office or the County Governor.

If you disagree with the County Governor's final decision, you can appeal to the Norwegian Parliamentary Ombud, which oversees the public administration.

You have the right to see the documents concerning your case. If you have any questions regarding your decision or appeal, you can call Pasientreiser on 05515.



Contact Pasientreiser with questions about filling out a travel expenses claim form, covering travel expenses or booking your patient trip.

From abroad: 0047 915 05 515

Guidance Helsenorge

23 32 70 00

Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 15:30

Health and Social Services Ombudsman

The Health and Social Services Ombudsman can help you with questions about health services and provide advice and guidance concerning your rights.

Content provided by Patient travel in Norway

Patient travel in Norway. Appealing about patient travel. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Friday, May 10, 2024 [retrieved Wednesday, February 19, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Friday, May 10, 2024