Mental healthcare for children and adolescents

If you are having a hard time, it is important to talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. The sooner you get help, the sooner you will start to feel better.

Contact your school health service, your doctor or the mental health service in your municipality. They will be able to help you. Different municipalities have different services. On the website of your municipality, you can see what kind of mental healthcare services are available for your age-group where you live. 

Do you need urgent help? Call 113

If the situation is critical and about life or death, call 113.

If it is less urgent, call the out-of-hours medical centre on 116 117.

The school health service can help you

If you are having a hard time, you can contact the school health service. Public health nurses at your school will talk to you. They can support you, and together you can decide what can be done to help you.

Some school health services liaise with psychologists and general medical practitioners.

The school health service can help you contact your doctor if needed.

The school health service in Norway

The school health service is a free service for all pupils at primary, lower and upper secondary schools.

Your doctor can help you

If you need someone to talk to, contact your doctor (GP). Your doctor can also help you find services in the municipality, refer you to a psychologist or refer you to mental healthcare services for children and adolescents (BUP).

Everyone is Norway has been assigned a GP. If you are wondering who your GP is, please call Guidance Helsenorge on 23 32 70 00 or visit the GP page on Helsenorge.

If you need help but are unable to contact your GP, call the emergency medical service on 113. The emergency medical service particularly deals with acute injuries, illnesses and problems. Some major cities also have an emergency psychiatric service.

Mental healthcare in your local municipality

All municipalities in Norway treat and support people with mental health problems. Some municipalities have a mental healthcare service specially for children and adolescents, but how their services are provided varies.

If your municipality has a mental healthcare service specially for children, adolescents and families, you can get free mental healthcare. They can also give you a referral for specialised treatment if you need more help than what they can offer or if you need specialised mental healthcare.

Health centres for young people

Health centres for young people are a separate service in addition to the general medical service and school health service. The health centre service is free of charge.

Here you can talk about your problems and receive counselling on mental health and social problems, addiction or other issues affecting your health. If you need it, they will be able to refer you to a more specialised service.

Many health centres for young people have psychologists and doctors available from time to time.

Mental healthcare at a hospital or outpatient centre

Mental health problems can develop into more serious disorders like depression, intense anxiety or psychotic symptoms that cause you to lose touch with reality. If you have any of these problems, you may need help from the mental healthcare service for children and adolescents.

You must be referred by your doctor, a psychologist or child welfare officer to the mental healthcare service for children and adolescents.

A smiling woman on a hike

What is the patient pathway for mental health and substance abuse?

The mental health and substance abuse patient pathway is intended to give you as a patient or next of kin a course of treatment that is holistic and predictable, without any unnecessary waiting time.

Illustration: Mostphotos/Doug Olson (Illustrasjonsbilde)

Mental health problems are relatively common

Mental health problems are common amongst the general population. Children, teenagers and adults of all ages can all experience mental health problems. There are always complex reasons for mental distress.

Mental health problems can range from feeling very sad, through problems sleeping, to feeling anxious and afraid. Crises, deaths and difficult events in life may cause mental distress. The symptoms may affect you a lot in your everyday life without you having to have an official diagnosis.

Mental disorders are diagnosed illnesses affecting your mind so much that they interfere with your life. The condition may be diagnosed by a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist as depression, anxiety or psychosis.

Healthcare rights for children and adolescents in Norway

Children and adolescents have a number of rights related to health and care services.

Emergency telephone - children and adolescents

116 111

Free crisis line and chat service for children and young people. Adults who are concerned about a child or young person or who suspect they are being subjected to violence and abuse can also call the crisis hotline (Alarmtelefonen).

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

From abroad: + 47 95 41 17 55

Mental Health

116 123

Mental Health's telephone and online service is for everyone who needs someone to talk to or write to.

24-hour service.

Kors på halsen (Norwegian Red Cross)

800 33 321

Conversation services for everyone under 18 years of age. Call, chat or send mail with adults who have a duty of confidentiality.

Mental Health Carers Norway (LPP)

22 49 19 22

Monday-Friday from 10:00 to 15:00

Tuesday from 11:00 to 19:00

National counseling telephone for relatives and mental health carers.

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Mental healthcare for children and adolescents. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Friday, June 23, 2023 [retrieved Thursday, October 24, 2024]. Available from:

Last updated Friday, June 23, 2023