
This service shows all the files that you have stored on Helsenorge, such as access reports (innsynsrapport) you have requested from health registries, or medical records that you have copied from your patient records (pasientjournal).

About the service

This service shows all the files that you have stored on Helsenorge, such as medical records that you have copied from your patient records.

Previously, attachments to communications with the healthcare service were displayed here as individual files, but will now only be shown as an attachment to the actual message.

Files stored on Helsenorge are not automatically updated when healthcare professionals make changes on their systems, and can therefore be out of date.


You have sole access to the files stored on Helsenorge. You must be logged in to access and view them.


When you delete files from this service, only the local version stored on Helsenorge will be deleted. Your healthcare provider may still have a version of the document stored locally.