By logging in to Helsenorge, you can access results from selected tests and medical examinations from hospitals under the Western Norway Regional Health Authority and results from the national test result service (“Pasientens prøvesvar”).
Test results from hospitals in Helse Vest (Western Norway Regional Health Authority)
You do not need to take any further action when viewing your test results.Your healthcare professional, or the physician who ordered the test, will contact you if your results need to be discussed.The laboratory or radiology department cannot send or discuss test results with you.
You should not make any changes to your medication or other treatments without discussing this with your doctor.
There may be a number of reasons why a test result is not shown:
Only tests that have been requested by the hospital will be shown. This means that you will not find any tests requested by your GP, homecare services or other doctors’ offices. This also applies if the test was done at the hospital, but requested by an external healthcare professional.
Test results entered into your patient record before 1 October 2021 will not be available on Helsenorge. You may still find certain older test results which were previously available in your patient record on Helsenorge.
For some tests, it may take some time before the results are ready and can be displayed at Helsenorge.
The date of the test result is the date the test was registered in your patient record – not the date on which the test was taken.
Laboratory testing is a diagnostic tool used by medical professionals. The language used must therefore be precise in order to avoid any misunderstandings. This means that there will be come technical terms and phrases that may be difficult for people to understand.
You will find results of from pathology, histology and cytology tests, as well as diagnostic imaging results. You will see a description of the images, but not the images themselves. You will also find certain other written descriptions of test results.
Covid test results
Your coronavirus test results are no longer available in the test results service. If you have questions about a coronavirus test you have taken, please contact your doctor.
You can see your previous positive coronavirus test results in the Meldingssystem for smittsomme sykdommer (MSIS) at Helsenorge. MSIS can be found under Health Registers. You must log in to Helsenorge to access your test results in the register.
Test results from the national test results service (“Pasientensprøvesvar”)
This service is currently in a trial phase and is not used by the healthcare services yet.A limited number of GPs currently have access to the service to view their patients’ test resultsin order to do testing and quality assurance before the service is fully implemented for the healthcare sector and the public.
The new service will enable you to view all the results from tests and examinations by logging on to Helsenorge.It is scheduled to be launched in 2024,The current service will remain in place until then.
While the new service is in development, information about your test results is being uploaded for future access.
Q&A about test results from the national test result service (“Pasientens prøvesvar”)
The national test result service is a new service that is currently in a trial phase. It will enable you to view your test results on Helsenorge regardless of where the test was done or examination was conducted.
To access your test results, you must contact the doctor or healthcare professional who requested the test. Your doctor will always contact you if your test results need to be discussed.
If the test was done at a laboratory that participates in the national test result service trial, you currently have early access to the results from your tests and examinations. You can view the following information when you are logged in to the Health Registries service (Helseregistre):
The date when the test or examination was done
The type of test done
Who requested the test or examination
Who analysed the test or conducted the examination
You will not be able to view the actual test result on Helsenorge, as the service is currently in a trial phase. The purpose of the testing is to do quality assurance on the service before it is fully implemented. When it is eventually launched, you will be able to view your test results on Helsenorge.
The information that is stored includes:
The date you were tested
Who requested the test (the healthcare professional who ordered the test)
Who analysed the test or conducted the examination
The test result
When a test is done or you are examined, the information is stored in three places:
With the healthcare professional who ordered the test or examination, such as your GP.
With the healthcare professional who conducts the test or examines you.
With the national test result service.
When the trial phase is complete, a decision will be taken as to which categories of test results can be transferred to the service.
You can opt out of having your test results stored
If you do not want your personal information to be stored in the service, you may opt out at any time and without providing a reason.Your personal information will be deleted, and none of your future personal information will be stored.
You can opt out online or by submitting a physical form.
Q&A about opting out of the service
You can opt out of your personal information being stored in the national test results service by logging on to Helsenorge. You can also opt in again if you have previously opted out.
Please note that it may take 30 days from the time you opt out (or opt out for your child) until test result information is deleted.
The healthcare professional who initially requisitioned the tests will still be able to access the results in their medical record system, as they are obliged to store this information in your patient record.
Blocking or restricting access for healthcare professionals
You can prevent healthcare professionals from accessing your test results by:
Restricting access for all healthcare professionals, or
Blocking access for specific (named) healthcare professionals
Q&A about blocking or restricting access
On Helsenorge, you may restrict access to all test results for all healthcare professionals, or restrict access only to test results for a specific period of time for all healthcare professionals.
You may also block all test results, or results from a specific period of time, from being disclosed to specific (named) healthcare professionals.
Restricting access for all healthcare professionals
It is important for healthcare professionals to have easy and secure access to your test results for correct information when they provide you with healthcare services. If they do not have access to this information, blood samples or X-rays may have to be redone.
If you do not want your personal information to be disclosed to healthcare professionals, you can RESTRICT (SPERRE) access. The healthcare professional who ordered a test will always be able to see the results, including in their own medical record system, while others will have to ask for your consent to access the test results.
Healthcare professionals will always be able to access this information in an emergency.
You can opt to restrict access for all healthcare professionals to:
All test results, always
All test results, limited to a specified period of time (From–To)
All test results BEFORE a given date (only set the “To” date)
All test results AFTER a given date (only set the “From” date)
Blocking access for specific (named) healthcare professionals
You have the right to BLOCK (BLOKKERE) your test result data for named healthcare professionals.
A block will ALWAYS apply, even in emergencies. There is a risk that healthcare professionals will be unable to provide you with appropriate healthcare if they do not have access to your test result data. To register a block, you will need to know the Health Personnel Register (HPR) number of the person concerned, which can be found on the website of the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
You can also call the Helsenorge helpline on (+47) 23 32 70 00, who can assist you in looking up the HPR number. You will still need to provide the name of the person you wish to block.
You can opt to block access for specific (named) healthcare professionals to:
All test results, always
All test results, limited to a specified period of time (From–To)
All test results BEFORE a given date (only set the “To” date)
All test results AFTER a given date (only set the “From” date)
If you wish to block access for multiple healthcare professionals, you must submit an application for each person.
You can restrict or block access to your test result data for healthcare professionals in the national test results service (“Pasientens prøvesvar”) by logging on to Helsenorge. You can also opt in again if you have previously opted out.
You can restrict access for ALL healthcare professionals and/or block access for NAMED healthcare professionals.
Restricting access for healthcare professionals
You can restrict access to all test results for all healthcare professionals, or for a specified period of time.
You can block access to all test results for a specific (named) healthcare professional, or for a specified period of time.
Restricting access for all healthcare professionals
It is important for healthcare professionals to have easy and secure access to your test results for correct information when they provide you with healthcare services. If they do not have access to this information, blood samples or X-rays may have to be redone. If you do not want your personal information to be disclosed to healthcare professionals, you can restrict access. The healthcare professional who ordered a test will always be able to see the result, including in their own medical record system, while others will have to ask for your consent to access the test results. Healthcare professionals will always be able to access this information in an emergency.
You have the right to block your test result data for named healthcare professionals. A block will always apply, even in emergencies. There is a risk that healthcare professionals will be unable to provide you with appropriate healthcare if they do not have access to your test result data. To register a block, you will need to know the Health Personnel Register (HPR) number of the person concerned.
If you are unable to look up the HPR number yourself, you may call the Helsenorge helpline on (+47) 23 32 70 00, who will assist you in looking up the number. You will still need to provide the name of the person you wish to block.
More about this service
This service requires consent for Basic access or higher, but to be notified that your test results are ready, you must consent to Full access.
If you wish to check the level of consent you have given or change your consent, you can do this under Privacy settings.
In order to use this service on behalf of others for whom you do not have parental responsibility, they must grant you power of attorney for the service area number 1: Access to information registered about you.
Du kan se prøvesvar på vegne av barn under 12 år som du har foreldreansvar for, men bare hvis minst én av foreldrene er folkeregistrert på samme adresse som barnet: • Hvis en eller flere av foreldrene er folkeregistrert på samme adresse som barnet, vil begge foreldre kunne bruke Helsenorge på vegne av barnet. • Hvis ingen av foreldrene er folkeregistrert på samme adresse som barnet, vil ingen av dem kunne bruke Helsenorge på vegne av barnet.
Prøvesvar fra sykehus i Helse Vest: Foreldre til barn mellom 12 og 16 år kan se disse prøvesvarene på Helsenorge. Barn mellom 12 og 16 år har ikke tilgang til å se prøvesvarene sine.
Prøvesvar fra nasjonal prøvesvartjeneste: Verken barn mellom 12 og 16 år eller foreldrene til barna kan se disse prøvesvarene på Helsenorge.
Fra 16 år
Når den du har foreldreansvar for har fylt 16 år har du ikke lenger tilgang til deres helseopplysninger. For å få tilgang kan ungdommen selv logge seg inn på Helsenorge, eller gi deg fullmakt.
Unlisted address is often referred to as «confidential address» or «blocked address».
This service is available to people with an unlisted address.
If this service contains information from another service that is not accessible to you because of the confidential address, you will also not be able to see this information here.
If you live at a confidential address, you will not be able to represent others at Helsenorge, nor will others be able to act on your behalf.