How to use the services on Helsenorge

In order to use the services on Helsenorge, you first need to consent to the use of your health data. You can withdraw or amend your consent at any time.

Helsenorge offers many services to help you and your relatives keep an overview of your health situation, rights and treatment.

Secure digital services can be found here. Only you will have access to your health data, unless you choose to give others power of attorney to access the services on your behalf.

What if I do not wish to use the services on Helsenorge?

​Use of the digital services available on Helsenorge is voluntary. If you do not wish to use the services, there are several options available depending on the service in question.

You can block or reinstate your access to services on Helsenorge

You can block your own access to the services on Helsenorge, for example if others have access to your BankID or other login details.

You can do this yourself at any time by going to Privacy Settings and then selecting Tjenester og informasjon du og helsepersonell har tilgang til (Access to your health data). This can also be done for any children for whom you have parental responsibility.

You can also block access to all services on Helsenorge by completing and submitting form number 1 below.

Digital access to your health data will no longer be possible via Helsenorge, but you will still have access to services on behalf of others if you have power of attorney or parental responsibility.

Please note that by blocking your access to services on Helsenorge, you will not automatically opt out of the summary care record (Kjernejournal) service.

If you want to block access to all services on Helsenorge or reinstate access on behalf of children, you will need to complete and submit form number 2 below.

For adults:

Form to block or reinstate access to logged-in services on Helsenorge

For children under the age of 16 years:

Form to block or reinstate access to logged-in services on Helsenorge for children under the age of 16 years

Remove or restore digital access to your patient records

You cannot opt out of patient records (Pasientjournal), but you can remove your digital access to the service on Helsenorge. This can also be done for any children for whom you have parental responsibility. This can be done by completing and submitting form number one (for adults) or form number two (for children) below. Healthcare professionals will still have access to your health data in their systems.

You need to use the same form if you would like to restore your access.

For adults:

Remove or restore digital access to patient records on Helsenorge

For children under the age of 12 years:

Remove or restore digital access to patient records on Helsenorge for children under the age of 12 years

Read more about digital access to patient records (Pasientjournal).

Remove or restore digital access to your summary care record (Kjernejournal)

You can remove your digital access to your summary care record via helsenorge. You can also opt out of having a summary care record (Kjernejournal).

If you have opted out of having a summary care record, you have 30 days to change your mind and request that the information in your summary care record be restored.

If you decide that you would like a summary care record at a later date, you need to request that a new summary care record be created. The new summary care record will not include historical data relating to medication or critical information about your health.

Read more about opting out of the summary care record (Kjernejournal) service.

How is your data processed on Helsenorge?

​Helsenorge has strict security requirements in place to safeguard your data.

Several services on Helsenorge securely retrieve data from registers run by health authorities and display the data to you when you are logged in. Such services do not store any of the data and the data will disappear from Helsenorge when you log out.

Other services require data to be stored at Helsenorge, for example if you send a message to your GP or the hospital and when you receive a response.

What happens to your data if you die?

When someone dies, notification of the death will be sent from the Norwegian National Population Register to Norsk helsenett SF. When this notification has been received, the deceased’s consent relating to Helsenorge will be withdrawn and all powers of attorney that have been issued and received will be deleted. All data relating to the deceased will be automatically deleted from Helsenorge 30 days later.

Unless there are special reasons not to do so, next-of-kin will ordinarily have the right of access to a deceased person’s health data, for example the patient records. Such health data relating to deceased persons cannot be accessed via Helsenorge. Please contact the relevant treatment providers directly if you are next-of-kin and require access to health data relating to a deceased person.

Giving consent to the terms and conditions for use of Helsenorge

In order to use Helsenorge services that require you to log in, you first need to consent to Helsenorge:

  • collecting health data relating to you from external registers and other sources
  • compiling and processing the data, as well as creating lists based on the data, which can be displayed to you via the services
  • storing data for as long as necessary for you to use the services
  • allowing external parties to contact you

You can change or withdraw your consent at any time.

Data that is stored about you will only be stored for as long as is necessary for you to use the services. If you withdraw your consent, all data relating to you will be deleted with the exception of data relating to consent and opting out.

If you consent, Helsenorge will retrieve data relating to you from the Norwegian National Population Register, the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency’s Common contact register and the GP Register (Fastlegeregisteret).

You can choose from the following three options:

  1. Basic:This is the minimum you need to consent to in order to use logged-in services on Helsenorge. This consent gives you access to your own data, with the exception of patient records. This consent also gives you access to other services that involve such access.
  2. Basic+:This is the same as Basic, but you will also be able to use services that access your patient records.
  3. Full access: This gives you full access to all services on Helsenorge.

If you would like to withdraw your consent

You can withdraw your consent if you no longer wish to use Helsenorge. All data relating to you will be deleted on Helsenorge.

If you withdraw your consent, you will no longer be able to enter into digital dialogue via Helsenorge with your hospital or GP, for example. Any power of attorney to represent others on Helsenorge will also be deleted.

You need to log in to Helsenorge in order to withdraw your consent. You can complete and submit one of the forms below if you are unable to log in to Helsenorge in order to digitally withdraw your consent.

Form for withdrawing consent to the use of Helsenorge (PDF)

Form for withdrawing consent to the use of Helsenorge for children under the age of 16 years (PDF)

Guidance Helsenorge

23 32 70 00

Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 15:30

Content provided by Norsk helsenett

Norsk helsenett. How to use the services on Helsenorge. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, March 4, 2021 [retrieved Thursday, October 24, 2024]. Available from:

Last updated Thursday, March 4, 2021