Patient travel for foreign citizens

As a foreign citizen, you will not necessarily be entitled to reimbursement for your expenses for travel to and from treatment. However, there are many circumstances where you may be entitled to reimbursement.

If you meet one or more of the criteria below, you may be entitled to reimbursement for your travel expenses while you are in Norway. Please note, however, that only travel to and from your place of residence in Norway can be covered, not to and from your home country.

Are you an asylum seeker?

Refugees, asylum seekers and their families have the same rights as Norwegian citizens in regards to reimbursement for their expenses for patient travel while their asylum application is being processed.

Are you a member of the Norwegian National Insurance scheme?

If you have earned membership of the National Insurance scheme as a foreign citizen, you will be entitled to reimbursement for your travel expenses while you are in Norway. Foreign citizens can obtain membership either by being resident in Norway or through having lawful work in Norway.

Are you related to a member of the National Insurance scheme?

Foreign citizens who are married to or are a child of a member of the National Insurance scheme are entitled to reimbursement for their travel expenses while they are in Norway, even if they are not a member themselves. A condition of this right is that the foreign citizen is supported by the spouse/parent.

Are you a citizen of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland?

While they are temporarily resident in Norway, citizens of countries covered by the EEA Agreement and Switzerland are entitled to reimbursement for their travel expenses for essential medical treatment. A condition is that you can present a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If you do not have an EHIC card, you may need to apply for reimbursement for your travel expenses in your home country.

Do you come from one of the Nordic countries?

Citizens of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands are entitled to reimbursement for their travel expenses while they are temporarily resident in Norway and do not need to present a EHIC card when applying for reimbursement for travel expenses.

If, as a result of their medical condition, a Nordic citizen requires special transport to their home country following treatment in Norway, this may also be covered. However, such cases will be handled by the hospital concerned rather than Pasientreiser. 

Do you come from a country with a reciprocal agreement?

While they are temporarily resident in Norway, citizens of countries with which Norway has entered into a reciprocal agreement are entitled to reimbursement for their travel expenses. Reciprocal agreements have been signed with Australia, and Québec in Canada.

How to apply

If you do not have a Norwegian national ID number or D number and you are applying for reimbursement of your travel expenses, you need to use the paper version of the travel expenses form. This form is only in Norwegian, but there is a guide in English. You then need to submit it by post.

You must remember to enclose:

  • confirmation of attendance from the treatment provider
  • documentation of your stay in Norway (permanent or essential temporary residence)
  • other documentation of expenses for which you are claiming reimbursement

Send your application to:
Pasientreiser HF
Postboks 2864 Kjørbekk
3702 Skien

Travel expenses form

Bokmål | Nynorsk | Samisk | For the visually impaired

Guide to the travel expenses form

Bokmål | Nynorsk | Samisk | English

Adapted transport

If it is not possible for you to use public transport, drive yourself or get someone to drive you, then you may be entitled to adapted transportation. The patient travel office will then organize your travel on your behalf. There must either be health- or traffic-related reasons for why you cannot use public transportation for all or parts of your travel. Read more about adapted transportation.



Contact Pasientreiser with questions about filling out a travel expenses claim form, covering travel expenses or booking your patient trip.

From abroad: 0047 915 05 515

Guidance Helsenorge

23 32 70 00

Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 15:30

Content provided by Patient travel in Norway

Patient travel in Norway. Patient travel for foreign citizens. [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Friday, May 10, 2024 [retrieved Tuesday, February 18, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Friday, May 10, 2024