Free condoms

Condoms are the only contraceptive that provide protection against both sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. Here, you can order free condoms and learn more about why you should protect yourself.

Why use a condom?

Condoms are the only contraceptive that provide protection against both sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. Here, you can order free condoms and learn more about why you should protect yourself  

Gonorrhea is very easily transmitted 

Gonorrhea (in Norwegian) is very easily transmitted through sex, including anal and oral sex. Condoms offer good protection against becoming infected and against infecting others. Always use a condom when having sex with a new partner.

Gonorrhea is very contagious and you can infect others even if you are not experiencing any symptoms. There has been an increase in gonorrhea among young people and young adults in Norway in recent years  

Gonorrhea is becoming resistant to antibiotics. When the bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, we risk not being able to treat the disease.  

Chlamydia is very common 

Chlamydia (in Norwegian) is spread through unprotected sex. We estimate that 3-6% of people between the ages of 18 and 25 have chlamydia. The risk increases if you have multiple partners. 

The number of cases of syphilis is increasing 

The symptoms of syphilis (in Norwegian) can be difficult to recognise, and they can also be transmitted through oral sex. Condoms provide protection against syphilis. There has been a sharp rise in the number of people infected with syphilis in Norway. This increase is particularly high among men who have sex with other men.

Other good reasons to use a condom:

  • You avoid ruining an enjoyable experience with worry and regret afterwards.  
  • Condoms often make it easier to last longer, which can be an advantage! 
  • It shows that you care about your partner and both their health and yours. 
  • You avoid becoming a parent before you’re ready.

Have you had sex without a condom and are unsure if you are infected?

Family doctors (fastlege), health centres (helsestasjonen) and student health services (studenthelsetjenester) offer free testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Tips to make using a condom easier 

  • Learn how to put on a condom yourself. It will be much faster if you have practised beforehand. Girls can also practise putting on condoms  
  • Although you must ask someone if they want to have sex, you don’t have to ask whether you should use a condom. You don’t actually need to discuss it, just put on a condom before you start.  
  • Let the condom be part of foreplay, for example ask your partner to put it on.  
  • Decide to use a condom in advance.  
  • Keep the condom easily accessible.  
  • Forgotten a condom? Ask your friends – or partner if they have one.  

How to use a condom  

The condom should be rolled on when the penis is erect. If the penis is flaccid or semi-erect, the condom may easily slip off. The condom may also slip off, split or feel uncomfortable to wear if it is too large or too small.  

Follow these steps to use condoms correctly 

  1. Carefully open the foil packaging in which the condom is wrapped so as not to damage the condom. Be careful with your nails and teeth. 
  2. Carefully open the foil packaging in which the condom is wrapped so as not to damage the condom. Be careful with your nails and teeth. 
  3. Make sure the condom is on the right way round, roll it out half a centimetre and you’ll quickly see which way to roll it. Think of it as being like a Santa hat. 
  4. Hold the tip of the condom between your index finger and thumb. 
  5. If the penis is not circumcised, pull back the foreskin. 
  6. Place the condom over the tip of the penis. 
  7. Squeeze the air out of the tip while rolling the condom down the penis. (If the condom doesn’t roll down easily, it’s probably on the wrong way round. Start again with a new condom.) 
  8. Make sure the condom stays in place while you have sex. 
  9. Has the condom slipped off or split? Put on another one and carry on where you left off  

If the vagina is dry or you are having anal sex, you should use a water-based lubricant. Do not use ointments, creams, Vaseline or massage oils. These contain oils that can damage the condom, causing it to split  

With proper use, there is little risk of the condom splitting. Condoms approved in Norway are of good quality. Do not use condoms which are out of date or which have damaged packaging. Use a latex-free condom if you or your partner have a latex allergy (you can ask the Health centre for adolescents to order latex-free condoms for you).  

What should you do if the condom splits or slips off?

Did the condom split or slip off while you were having sex? If so, you will no longer be protected from infection or pregnancy. Consider whether you need to use emergency contraception to avoid becoming pregnant. This tablet must be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, preferably within 12 hours. 

Emergency contraception can be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies or in shops. Contact your health centre, GP or sexual health clinic to take a test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

Have you had sex with someone with untreated HIV? 

If you have had unprotected vaginal or anal sex with a person at high risk of having untreated HIV, you may need treatment with medicines that prevent HIV infection. Treatment must be started within 72 hours of the possible exposure. Read more about PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) against HIV (in Norwegian)

Reasons why condoms split 


If there is an air pocket between the condom and the penis, it can split more easily. Avoid air in the condom by squeezing the tip of the condom between your thumb and index finger when rolling it on.


If the vagina or anus is dry during sexual intercourse, friction will occur that can damage the condom. Water-based lubricants prevent the condom from splitting.


Ointments and creams containing oils can weaken the condom, causing splits or small holes to appear. You should therefore use water-based lubricant.

Too small

If the condom is too tight, it will be uncomfortable to wear and the risk of the condom splitting will increase. Choose a condom which fits correctly.

Doubling up

Wearing two condoms one on top of the other does not provide greater protection from infection or pregnancy. It simply increases the risk of the condom being damaged or splitting.

Expired condom or damaged packaging

The shelf-life of condoms is limited. Check the shelf-life and that the packaging is not damaged.

Olafia Clinic

Centre for counselling, examination and treatment of sexually transmitted infections at Oslo University Hospital. 

Sex og samfunn

Centre for youth sexuality. Sex og samfunn is a service for people under the age of 25 which provides guidance and prescriptions for contraception as well as the opportunity to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The public information channel for young people. 

The contraception guide in several languages

Overview of all contraceptives, available in Norwegian, English, Urdu, Polish, Somali, Arabic and Tigrinya.


Information about sex and cohabitation in Arabic, English, Farsi, French, Norwegian, Polish, Somali, Tigrinya and Turkish, aimed at immigrants and others with short periods of residence.

Content provided by The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Free condoms . [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; updated Thursday, November 30, 2023 [retrieved Tuesday, February 18, 2025]. Available from:

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023